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ادارة الازمات واتخاذ القرارات

الخطوط العريضة

DAY 1:    What is crisis?

Hazard, Risk and Crisis relationships- Crisis defined with day to day examples in all spheres of life.  What are set rules or guidelines if any? How do we react to an unplanned activity that comes up suddenly? - What are personal traits needed? Is it a team work or leadership activity? Who is to bell the cat? - How to proceed from risk to crisis- what comes first? What preset knowledge is required before acting- does it required planning and if so what?

Case study of crisis management- Right and wrong- Discussion


DAY 2:  Averting a wrong start

No systematic collection of planning information  such as hazard analysis, organizational information, regulatory guidance etc- No systematic dissemination of planning information to those who is responsible to implement. Failure to identify and establish an incident command structure. No, or minimal, coordination  or  Poor communications -Lack of, or poorly defined, Organizational Responsibilities-lack of team development- lack of knowledge or poor handling tools

Case studies for each of this and discuss how it should have been addressed


How to reduce the vulnerability posed by potential crises?

  • General Administrative Information
  • Management Awareness and Control Programs
  • Identification of Hazards/Potential Crises
  • Business Characterization


Day 3:  Towards positive approach

Creating awareness and developing a culture-

Assessment – 7 steps

Crisis Management what who and How- Establish- identify- Analyse- treat-communicate – consult- monitor and review-

Good management practice-process steps in decision making-logical a systematic approach- identifying opportunities- minimising or avoiding loss-

Analysing risk- is it repeated or occasional – how does it have impact on organisation or environment-


Day 4:  Effective crisis management


Preparation and Prevention-Detection and Classification-Response and Mitigation-Retrieve and Recovery

 Day 5:  Decision Making

  • Definition.
  • Decision Making Vs. Decision Taking.
  • Steps of Decision Making.
  • Criteria of Perfect Decision.
  • Delegation upon Decision Making.

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