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المهارات الإدارية والسلوكية لمدراء مكاتب الإدارات العليا

Gain respect for your ideas and contributions, and raise your profile within the management team.

  • Contribute confidently and become your manager’s right-hand representative at meetings.
  • Know your way around the business environment and gain greater satisfaction by understanding the dynamics of your own organization.
  • Enhance your productivity and performance.
  • Extend your self-management skills.
  • Develop project management methods.
  • Ensure that you’re a positive team player.

الخطوط العريضة

Self-development within the Workplace

  • Raising your profile confidently and quickly.
  • Recognizing and overcoming personal barriers.
  • Taking control of new challenges with confidence.
  • Keeping pace with your own goals and recognizing development opportunities.


Personal Development

  • Creating your action plan.
  • The importance of networking to accelerate your growth.

من ينبغى أن يحضر


Managers wishing to broaden and improve their skill sets, those new to management, and those who wish to build their knowledge of contemporary management techniques.


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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من فضلك ادخل البريد الالكتروني.
ادخل رقم محمول 10 أرقام.