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أساليب كشف المخالفات المالية وخفض التكاليف والنفقات

In order to avoid or correct such mistakes, you must first know is how to detect them. After detecting specific mistakes, you should know which methods to use to correct those mistakes. Here are the most common accounting mistakes and few helpful tips to hope you fix such errors and mistakes.

الخطوط العريضة

1-                     Definition of the errors and its reasons of commitment

2-                     Methods of discovery of the errors

3-                     Types of the errors

4-                     Errors shows in trial balance

5-                     Errors do not shows in trial balance

6-                     Definition of the trial balance

7-                     The goals of preparing the trial balance

8-                     Methods of preparing the trial balance

9-                     Methods of correcting the errors

10-                 The substantial errors and hot to correct it by the international standard of accounting number (8).

من ينبغى أن يحضر

Anyone with Cost Control responsibilities

Finance Staff

Internal auditing staff


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