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محاسبة المشروعات - مستوى متقدم


To enable participants to learn and understand the project accounting concepts and their application.


Expected Accomplishments:


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:


  • Define project, project management and identify various phases of project
  • Understand the role and services provided by project accountant
  • Apply various accounting techniques for project appraisal
  • Prepare project budget and costing work sheets
  • Understand concepts of cost analysis, cash flow management and maintenance of financial records for projects
  • Close the project with appropriate accounting entries


الخطوط العريضة


  • Introduction to project and project management
  • The project life cycle
  • Project Parameters
  • Role of accounting in project management
  • Typical project accounting services and required skills
  • Financial Criteria for project selection; financial analysis using Accounting rate of return, Pay back period, Internal Rate of Return and Net Present Value methods
  • Sources of cash flow for a project
  • Planning of project; preparing work break down structures
  • Planning cost dimension; identification of direct and indirect project costs
  • Budgeting problems of project
  • Key tasks of project accountant during implementation phase; cost analysis and feed back, cash flow management, financial records, major accounting entries and financial reporting
  • Accounting issues on project completion; disposing equipment, material etc and closure of project books

من ينبغى أن يحضر


Accounting staff working on projects and in Accounts Department.


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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ادخل رقم محمول 10 أرقام.