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تنمية المهارات الإدارية

·     Core values and perspectives of the social services profession
·      Key roles social servicers perform across system levels
·     The role of social services within petroleum companies and as part of inter-professional practice
·     How to apply integrative themes using a social justice lens across a range of settings where social servicers engage in change efforts
·   Strategies social servicers use to effectively address issues across systems and levels
·        Strategies to advocate for needed changes

الخطوط العريضة

What are Social services?

-        Introduction to social services as a profession in petroleum companies and key roles social servicers perform across system levels

  • Individual
  • Family
  • Community
  • Organization
  • Policy

-        Focus on core social values and perspectives.
 Cross-Cutting Themes that Guide Social Services

-        Introduction to key cross cutting themes

  • Systems Theory
  • Strengths Based Approach
  • Empowerment
  • Evidence-Informed Practices
  • Social Justice

-        Explore these themes through case examples and interactive exercises.
History of Social Services as Profession in the petroleum companies

-        Examine the history of social services as a profession using an issue-oriented approach. Learn unique contributions of social services over the years.

-        Addressing Issues of Privilege, Oppression, Diversity and Social Justice

-        Learn strategies that social servicers use to effectively make a difference in addressing privilege, oppression, diversity and social justice in their services.

-        Explore current challenges and advocacy needs through case applications.

-        Preparing to Practice Social Services

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5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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