The exams cover the following skill and knowledge factors:
- Basics of electricity, electrical laws, electrochemistry, corrosion and CP theory
- Polarity related to current flow and metal corrosion activity
- Conduct tests to identify shorts and continuity tests in CP systems
- Use test instruments to perform a variety of field tests such as structure-to-soil potentials, voltage and current measurements, soil resistivity, pipe/cable locating and rectifier readings
- CP components including impressed current systems, galvanic anodes and test stations
- Read shunts and understand their use in rectifiers, bonds, and anodes
- Perform periodic surveys to confirm the effectiveness of a CP system
- Reference cells, their maintenance, use, and precautions
- Basic location mapping, report preparation, and recordkeeping
- Review safety issues specific to CP
- Code requirements related to CP
الخطوط العريضة
- Theoretical knowledge and practical fundamentals for testing on both galvanic and impressed current CP systems.
- Basic electricity
- Electrochemistry and corrosion concepts
- CP theory
- CP systems
- CP field measurement techniques
من ينبغى أن يحضر
Anyone responsible for gathering and/or recording data for CP systems or measuring the effectiveness of CP systems.