- Change management is a growing practice that major companies deploy & resort to in today's business environment to manage their changes. In our current world market dynamics, change has become an ongoing process which all companies experience every day.
- Change is not only limited to organizational or personnel changes that results from activities such as business process reengineering, companies organization restructuring or business re-modeling, but, is an expandable ideology which includes business processes, tools & systems (e.g.: ERP systems).
- This broad insight to business changes has initiated frequent use of change management concepts & mandated having a robust change management process to mitigate any business risks or losses (financial/assets/reputation) and ensures business continuity at the market place.
- This course addresses all areas of the change management process and sheds more light on change management techniques & tool kits required to effectively manage the change through all change stages.
الخطوط العريضة
Day 1: Change Management (CM) Introduction
- Defining CM, Why is it important in today's business environment?
- CM types, applications and use - the change curve.
- Organizational alignment & personal changes
Day 2: Risk Assessment Practices
- Risk Assessment Metrics
- Risk Mitigation Analysis
- A risk Assessment simulating exercise
Day 3: Change Management process
- Change Management decision tree.
- Elements of Change Management: from change identification to execution.
- Change Management Milestones; putting a plan into action
- The power of Communication.
Day 4: Executing & Monitoring System/Process Change
- Change Readiness; Role of change agents
- Back-up & Business Continuity Plans
- Importance of the cutover plans
- How to test, document & close out changes.
Day 5: Practical workshop - Case study
- Desk top exercise for simulating a change management case study
- Class room discussions
- Sessions wrap up & take-away milestones.
من ينبغى أن يحضر
- Business managers, function/department/division managers in any layer in the organization
- HR Managers/supervisors / personnel
- Administration Managers or business support (e.g.: IT/GIS, Procurement, Supply, A&F....)
- Change leads, change managers & change agents involved in any change in their business environment.