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مهارات إرضاء العملاء


What Will You Gain From the Course?

  • You will learn the appreciation of the lifetime value of your customers with real figures pertaining to your organization
  • You will understand what customer satisfaction is all about and what the needs and requirements are of your customers
  • You will have techniques and strategies to handle complaints effectively
  • You will know the difference between "telling" and "selling" with features v benefits
  • You will learn techniques of how to get a WIN/ WIN outcome with your customers
  • You will have a framework to work with to anticipate your customers needs and to eradicate potential problems and complaints before they even happen
  • You will be able to build up trust and effortless rapport with your customers
  • You will be able to spot sales opportunities a lot quicker and clearer with the help of some proven strategies

الخطوط العريضة

Improving your Communication Skills is the way to customer satisfaction

  • What is the perfect communication model?
  • Opening lines of communication with your boss, and other employees.
  • Communications (face-to-face) (listening, presenting, questioning, etc.).
  • Feedback to see how others see you (your boss, your office colleagues, other employees).
  • Basic guidelines in given feedback
  • Feedback in pleasant and constructive way.
  • How to give good feedback.
  • Non-Verbal Communication Skills
  • Exploring non-verbal communication.
  • Test your non-verbal communication skills
  • Why the smart secretaries master the art of listening well.
  • Differentiating good from bad listening.
  • The secrets to listening well.
  • Listening and empathy responding.
  • Listening skills- self-evaluation.
  • General recommendations to improve communication skills.

How to achieve customers' satisfaction when building the Marketing Mix

  • Product
  • Price
  • Promotion
  • Place

Customer satisfaction is a Reflection of Employee Satisfaction

  • Handling customers and employees complaints
  • I have a couple of abusive, manipulative customers. Nothing I've done seems to work with them, they're always yelling, complaining, and trying to get me to lower my prices. What can I do?
  • Because of circumstances beyond our control, we sometimes can't deliver our customers' orders on time. They get really mad. I'm not sure how to best handle them.
  • Responding to angry customers.
  • Understanding hostile customers
  • Perception is Reality...How do Your Customers Really See You?

Basic methods to get feedback from customers to ensure their satisfaction

  • Appreciative
  • Focus group
  • Interview design.
  • Listening
  • Questioning (face-to-face).
  • Survey design.
  • Using satisfaction survey to achieve a competitive advantage in sales and marketing
  • Beat the competition
  • Improve loyalty
  • Gain market share
  • Reduce Costs

Measuring Customer Satisfaction

  • Measuring The Seemingly Immeasurable: Knowledge Work And Customer Satisfaction) 
  • Why do customers get upset? And how to measure it.
  • WHAT To Measure

Blocks to customer Focus

  • Considerations for an effective customer service program as part of core strategy to serve customers well.

Building Customer relationship is a way to customer satisfaction

  • How can I keep in contact with my customers
  • Are there ways I can keep in contact with my customers without spending a lot of money
  • How do you keep track of your customers' information
  • My customers are from all over the world. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding what they want.
  • How can I keep my customers buying from me

Managing To Retain Customers

  • Many strategies to achieve it. 
  • Each section will be explained on presentation of real life construction business situations, accompanied with many practical case studies, role playing, group and individual exercises as an Implication for practice.
  • On- Job Training shall be decided upon the approval. It depends on the needs of the trainees. We shall arrange it from two weeks to one month.






من ينبغى أن يحضر


  • Any member of staff who has interaction with your customers
  • Sales people
  • Customer care teams
  • Sales and service advisors (phone or face to face) .
  • Marketing people.


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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