This training aims to provide participants with information and advanced technologies in the field of maintenance planning and control in the field of electric power networks and benefit from this training specialists in this area, as well as their previous experience as well as knowledge of all electrical and maintenance terms and special electrical drawings and identify the components of the electrical system fault detection systems, whether mechanical or electrical, and on the other hand how to restart electrical system securely after conducting electrical inspections for all or one of the components of the system and lifting Estimates have to identify problems with the components of the system just by hearing the sound of one of these components such as the engine or periodic measurements for power circuit.
الخطوط العريضة
Module # 1: (introduction to maintenance of electrical system)
- The components of the electrical system.
- The role of each component in the electrical system.
- Concept of maintenance.
- Types of Maintenance.
- Importance of electrical maintenance.
- Concept of periodic maintenance.
- Concept of preventive maintenance.
- Concept of maintenance treatment.
- Concept of predictive maintenance.
- The idea for the code and international standards in the maintenance.
Module # 2: Introduction of Marine electrical equipment
- Properties & Characteristics of marine electrical equipment.
- Selection of electrical equipment.
- The concept of the IP.
- Occupational health and safety principles in dealing with electricity.
- Electrical circuit failures.
- Ways of detecting and avoiding faults
Module # 3: Marine Electrical Generator
- Electrical marine theory of operation.
- Components and circuits for the electrical generators.
- Power and control circuits for the electrical generators
- Periodic maintenance of the alternator.
- Preventive maintenance of the alternator
- Corrective maintenance of the alternator
- Troubleshooting of alternator learn about electric generator breakdowns and how to remedy them.
Module # 4: Marine Electrical Transformers
- Transformer electrical marine theory of operation.
- Components and circuits for electrical transformers.
- Periodic maintenance for electrical transformers.
- Preventive maintenance of the transformers
- Corrective maintenance of the transformers.
- Troubleshooting of transformers learn about electric transformers breakdowns and how to remedy them.
Module # 5: Marine Electrical Motors
- Electrical motors marine theory of operation.
- Components and circuits for electrical motors.
- Periodic maintenance for electrical motors.
- Preventive maintenance of the motors
- Corrective maintenance of the motors.
- Troubleshooting of motors learn about electric motors breakdowns and how to remedy them.
Module # 6: Electrical Power Cables
- Power Cables theory of operation.
- Components and circuits for electrical Power Cables.
- Periodic maintenance for electrical Power Cables.
- Preventive maintenance of the Power Cables.
- Corrective maintenance of the Power Cables.
- Troubleshooting of Power Cables.
Module # 7: Electrical Circuit Breakers
- Circuit Breakers theory of operation.
- Periodic maintenance for electrical Circuit Breakers.
- Preventive maintenance of the Circuit Breakers.
- Corrective maintenance of the Circuit Breakers.
- Troubleshooting of Circuit Breakers.
Module # 8: Electrical Batteries
- Batteries theory of operation.
- Periodic maintenance for electrical Batteries.
- Preventive maintenance of the Batteries.
- Corrective maintenance of the Batteries.
- Troubleshooting of Batteries.
Module # 9: Electrical Protection and control circuit
- Electrical Protection and control circuit theory of operation.
- Periodic maintenance for Electrical Protection and control circuit.
- Preventive maintenance Electrical Protection and control circuit.
- Corrective maintenance of Electrical Protection and control circuit.
- Troubleshooting of Electrical Protection and control circuit.
The participants
Technicians and Assistant Engineers dealing with electrical grids.
Course duration
2 weeks (10 days).
The practical Section
Marine electrical equipment:
- Electric AC motors or continuous.
- Marine electrical equipment certification.
- Several Kit and electric screwdrivers, insulated well.
Marine electrical equipment maintenance:
- Electric Motors and /or generator.
- Isolating and measuring of voltage and current.
- Several Kit screwdrivers suitable for the stomach.
- Group of control wires.
Repair electrical equipment:
- Driven type stereotyped.
- Contactor.
- Overload Relay.
- Electric relays with contacts 8 or 11
- Group of control wires and circuits control.
- Indication lamps with different voltage.