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كلية مبيعات I - تعزيز ورش العمل للمبيعات



           ·          To provide the sales representatives, executives and non-sales managers with the fundamentals of the Professional selling skills and updated techniques in today’s competitive environment

           ·          Help companies in achieving its goals and objectives efficiently with newly recruited sales reps.

           ·          Help companies to have a clear edge over competition through establishing a strong sales infrastructure.

           ·          Help the sales executive linking the sales approach to the marketing activities; hence enabling the companies to have a full competitive approach.

الخطوط العريضة


           ·   Definitions


-       Sales

-       Different types of selling


           ·   Sales cycles


-       Product cycle

-       Money cycle

-       Importance of the sales man

-       Time management for the sales man

-       Vital skills for a successful sales man


           ·   The Consultative Selling Cycle


-       Preparation for the sales call

-       Challenging buyers profiles

-       The what’s-in-it for me approach

-       Benefits types and customization for the client

-       The five key information about the prospect buyer

-       The information triangle

-       Linking the sales approach to the  company’s marketing strategy

-       How to maximize the benefit of those information


           ·   The effective communication impact on sales

           ·   Tailoring the different means of communication to ensure an effective sales call

           ·   Introduction of Handling Objections in 5 successful steps


-       How to address the different buyers’ concerns


           ·   Introduction to the Persuasive Selling Formats/Techniques (PSF) in five successful steps

           ·   The sales call

           ·   Why some sales men fail in their mission...the “Dos and the Donts”


من ينبغى أن يحضر


           ·   This course is tailored to address the different sales levels; starting from entry level to sales executives and non-sales managers.

           ·   This course is also addressing the tele-sales representatives (with some adjustments)


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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