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أوتوكاد - مستوى مبتديء


Participants will learn the basics of CAD geometry creation and manipulation using a variety of computer command inputs including keyboard shortcuts, toolbox icons and mouse menu selection. Geometry created will include points, lines, circles, arcs, and basic polygons. Geometry is edited or manipulated using commands such as zoom, pan, trim, extend, copy, rotate and by the use of geometry "grips".

Advanced CAD concepts such as 3D creation or Solid Modeling will not be covered.

الخطوط العريضة


  • Introduction 
  • Computer Hardware Basics
  • Computer Software Basics 
  • Drawings and 2-D Design 
  • Two-Dimensional CAD 
  • Managing Two-Dimensional CAD 
  • Three-Dimensional CAD 
  • Part Modeling 
  • Surface Modeling with application  
  • Assembly Modeling with application
  • Managing Three-Dimensional  CAD with application

من ينبغى أن يحضر


People who are interesting with Autocad and engineers


10 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

سجل الآن

Please enter full name.
من فضلك ادخل أسمك.
من فضلك ادخل البريد الالكتروني.
ادخل رقم محمول 10 أرقام.