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اعداد التقارير باحتراف


  • By the end of the course, participants will learn to:
  • Produce a documentation plan, including estimates and schedules
  • Design and structure a document by analyzing the readership and selecting the right information
  • Write clearly and in the correct style for your readers
  • Use correct language and grammar
  • Use layout, typography and illustrations to help get your message across
  • Check & edit your own drafts

الخطوط العريضة

Module 1: Defining the Features of Technical Writing


  • Principles and Strategies of Technical Report
  • Knowing Your Audience, Purpose and Length of Report

Module 2: Formatting Technical Report


  • Headings, Chapters and sections
  • Running headers and footers
  • Although a large amount of writing in technical, scientific, and medical fields is formulaic, there are times when writers must choose how best to present their ideas. In this segment, participants will see the connection between function and form.


Module 3: Get to the Point: Discovering the Main Idea & Arranging Details in Logical Sequence

  • Writing styles & techniques
  • The 12 golden rules of Writing
  • How to Start Editing

Module 4: It Takes Two: The Importance of Audience Awareness

This component focuses on the vital role audience awareness plays in the choices writers make, especially in terms of word choice, tone, and amount of detail they need to include.

Module 5: Style of Writing

  • Writing Clear Sentences
  • Remove Jargon, Redundancy & Wordiness
  • Although by its very nature technical writing includes sophisticated and sometimes obscure language, this fact alone should not prevent technical writing from being clear, to the point, and understandable to even lay readers. This section helps you use the right style, measure and shorten the length of words, sentences, and paragraphs for the purpose of clarity.

Participants are to bring along their reports for group learning, editing and discussion.


من ينبغى أن يحضر


This course is designed for the professionals who have basic understanding Of Project Management and wish to learn how to use Microsoft Project as a tool to help them manage their projects.


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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ادخل رقم محمول 10 أرقام.