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التقطير المتقدم - استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها


At the completion of the course the participant will be better able to deal with the water treatment systems and will be able to identify the reasons contributing to the different problems associated with their operations and will also be familiar with the different control measures and monitoring techniques that are commonly applicable in the industry to control these systems.

الخطوط العريضة


Desalting Applications

  • Sources of Feed Water
  • Seawater
  • Desalting for Water Supply
  • Case Histories
    • Seawater Desalting using Reverse Osmosis
    • Wastewater Reclamation using Reverse Osmosis
    • Seawater Desalting using Multi-Stage Flash


Water chemistry

  • Basic Water Chemistry
    • Constituents in Water
    • Measurements for Water Samples
    • Measuring pH
    • Measuring Conductivity
  • Types of Water and Treatments
    • o Fresh Water
    • o Brackish Water
    • o Seawater
  • Water Analyses


Desalting Processes

  • Desalting Plant Processes
  • Distillation Process Fundamentals
    • Temperature in Distillation Processes
    • Scaling in Distillation Processes
    • Effects of Scaling
    • Corrosion and Erosion in Distillation Processes
    • Post-Treatment in Distillation Processes
    • Energy Requirements for Distillation Processes
  • Multiple Effect Distillation Process
  • Multi-Stage Flash (MSF) Distillation
  • Vapor Compression
  • Comparing Distillation with Other Desalting Processes


  • Distillation Processes
    • Scaling in Distillation Processes
    • Calcium Sulfate Scalin
    • Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Hydroxide Scaling
  • Corrosion in Distillation Processes
  • Erosion by Suspended Solids in Distillation Processes



  • Stabilization
    • Chemical Addition
    • Corrosion Considerations
  • Blending Stabilization
  • Dissolved Gas Stripping
  • Disinfection
    • Chlorine Treatment
    • Chlorine Gas
    • Liquid Chlorine, Sodium, or Calcium Hypochlorite
    • Chloramine Treatment


Distillation Troubleshooting:

  • Operating System.
  • Chemical Treatment System.


Process Selection and Water Cost

  • Product Water Quality
    • Single-Purpose Plant for Distillation Plants
    • Dual-Purpose Plant
  • Environmental Constraints for Site Selection
  • Planning and Cost Features
  • Comparing Plant Costs
  • Optimizing Capital and Operating Costs for Distillation Processes
  • Optimizing Capital and Operating Costs for Reverse Osmosis

من ينبغى أن يحضر


This course will be of particular value to process engineers, technicians, chemists and technician who have been in the field of distillation water treatment for 1 to 5 years. Also the course will be useful for corrosion engineers, technicians, maintenance engineers and project engineers.


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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