تاريخ البداية | تاريخ النهاية | الدولة | المدينة |
Valves are an increasingly vital component of modern Power Generation Plants around the world. Well–selected and maintained control valves increase efficiency, safety, profitability, and ecology.
The course offers an introduction to control valves including definitions for common control valve and instrumentation terminology.
Develops the vital topic of control valve performance.
Covers valve and actuator types.
Gives a comprehensive guide to selecting the best control valve for an application.
Covers the selection and use of special control valves.
Offers typical control valve installation and maintenance procedures.
Includes information on control valve standards and approval agencies throughout the world.
Professionals involved in engineering, inspection, maintenance and operations
5 أيام
تاريخ البداية | تاريخ النهاية | الدولة | المدينة |