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الادارة الفعالة في العقود والمشتريات والتحكم بالمخزون


Upon successful completion the participants will:

Be familiar with the basics of purchasing and the purchasing environment

Review the meaning of strategic procurement

Be given examples of best practices in procurement

Review how to obtain best pricing

Be taught how to develop spend analysis

Work with all of the supply chain players pays

Evaluate the suppliers and how shortlists

Consider Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Understanding of the various approaches, tools and strategies used in negotiations

Practise the foundation for negotiating with great awareness and effectiveness.

Learn the basics of entrepreneurship.

الخطوط العريضة


  • Essentials of Purchasing
  • The Supply Chain Process
  • Budgeting Essentials
  • The Procurement Process
  • Shortlist the Vendors & Suppliers (Measurement Performance of Supplier).
  • Supplier Contracting
  • Persuasive Communication
  • Legal Aspects of Contracts

من ينبغى أن يحضر


Project, Engineering, Operational, and Maintenance, personnel who are involved in the planning, and execution of purchases and contracts.

Contracts, Purchasing, and Procurement personnel

Supply, Buying, Purchase, Logistics, Materials and Supply Chain Professionals

Those who need to develop their limited understanding about Logistics and Supply

Chain Management. Those who are looking for business gains and benefits from managing their supply

chains more effectively.


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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من فضلك ادخل أسمك.
من فضلك ادخل البريد الالكتروني.
ادخل رقم محمول 10 أرقام.