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مهارات الاتصال وبناء فرق العمل


           ·          Improve results by enhancing your verbal communication and influence skills in the context of productive working relationships

           ·          Respects and works effectively with DIVERSE people; enables all to contribute their best work.

           ·          Builds and maintains PRODUCTIVE working relationship, even in DIFICULT situations.

           ·          Works ACROSS organizations to develop the best approaches and get the best results

           ·          Expresses ideas in ways that build COMMITMENT to them, even when unfamiliar or popular; involves and fully informs others in a timely way.

           ·          Recognizes CULTURAL differences and communicates in ways that work

           ·          Effective communication over the phone

الخطوط العريضة


           ·          Linking communication skills to the business

           ·          Basic communication exercise

           ·          The communication model

           ·          The listening model

           ·          The speaking model

           ·          Linking the models

           ·          Asking questions

           ·          Barriers to communication

           ·          Results-Options in communication

           ·          Setting Expectations

           ·          Problem Solving Process

           ·          Maintaining an open discussion

           ·          Interactive listening

           ·          Discussion skills

           ·          Communication barriers

           ·          Communication styles

           ·          Body language

           ·          Constructive criticism

           ·          Communication over the phone


  • Applying the Model
  • Communication styles

من ينبغى أن يحضر


  • Top, middle and new entry executives
  • All professionals to improve their interpersonal skills to achieve greater potential.


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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