تاريخ البداية | تاريخ النهاية | الدولة | المدينة |
The training topics within a single course are flexibly selected by the trainer to meet specific application and customer requirements. Each topic is shown with approximate time duration.
This part of the course introduces all students to basics, its typical and optional modules.
This part of the course provides all vital information related to transportation and receipt.
This part of the course describes all steps that are required to ensure proper operation of the system, starting from leveling of the equipment to connecting and operating the mini environment.
This part of the course touches on service and maintenance, which may differ depending on the system configuration.
Anyone who is working related to this course then need to increase their knowledge, and it is also suitable for Manager, Supervisor & Operator.
3 أيام
تاريخ البداية | تاريخ النهاية | الدولة | المدينة |