+966 920007771
Project Management using MS project


The fundamental objective of the course is to quickly teach yourself how to manage your projects with Project 2013

Knowledge hut’s blended model of Microsoft Project 2013 training lets you effectively tracking and management of projects is necessary to achieve your project goals. Microsoft Office Project 2013 provides enhanced tools to help you track and control project work, schedules, and finances. You can also integrate Project 2013 tools with Microsoft Office applications.

  • Comprehensive training - 15 modules on MS Project 2013
  • World renowned e-learning content for self-paced follow up study
  • Case study for extensive practice
  • Detailed analysis of every modules
  • Get module completion certificate after completing the module

All of Knowledge hut’s offers courses in project management tools and techniques


Knowledge Hut MS Project Preparation course content is structured as under:

Lesson 1: A brief about Project Management Concepts

  • Understand Project Management Concepts
  • Understanding the requirements
  • Importance of Archiving Information


Lesson 2: Getting Started with Project

  • Managing Your Projects with Project
  • Starting Project Professional
  • Exploring Views
  • Exploring Reports
  • Creating a New Project Plan
  • Setting Nonworking Days
  • Entering Project Properties
  • Key Points


Lesson 3: Creating a Task List

  • Entering Tasks
  • Estimating Durations
  • Entering a Milestone
  • Organizing Tasks into Phases
  • Linking Tasks
  • Documenting Tasks
  • Checking the Plan's Duration
  • Key Points


Lesson 4: Setting Up Resources

  • Setting Up People Resources
  • Setting Up Equipment Resources
  • Setting Up Material Resources
  • Setting Up Cost Resources
  • Entering Resource Pay Rates
  • Adjusting Working Time for Individual Resources
  • Documenting Resources
  • Key Points


Lesson 5: Assigning Resources to Tasks

  • Assigning Work Resources to Tasks
  • Assigning Additional Resources to a Task
  • Assigning Material Resources to Tasks
  • Assigning Cost Resources to Tasks
  • Key Points


Lesson 6: Formatting and Printing Your Plan

  • Creating a Custom Gantt Chart View
  • Drawing on a Gantt Chart
  • Formatting Text in a View
  • Formatting and Printing Reports
  • Key Points


Lesson 7: Tracking Progress on Tasks

  • Saving a Project Baseline
  • Tracking a Project as Scheduled
  • Entering a Task's Completion Percentage
  • Entering Actual Values for Tasks
  • Key Points


Lesson 8: Fine-Tuning Task Details

  • Adjusting Task Relationships
  • Setting Task Constraints
  • Viewing the Project's Critical Path
  • Interrupting Work on a Task
  • Adjusting Working Time for Individual Tasks
  • Changing Task Types
  • Entering Deadline Dates
  • Entering Fixed Costs
  • Setting Up a Recurring Task
  • Key Points


Lesson 9: Fine-Tuning Resource and Assignment Details

  • Entering Multiple Pay Rates for a Resource
  • Setting Up Pay Rates to Apply at Different Times
  • Setting Up Resource Availability to Apply at Different Times
  • Delaying the Start of Assignments
  • Applying Different Cost Rates to Assignments
  • Entering Material Resource Consumption Rates
  • Key Points


Lesson 10: Fine-Tuning the Project Plan

  • Examining Resource Allocations over Time
  • Manually Resolving Resource Overallocations
  • Leveling Overallocated Resources
  • Examining Project Costs
  • Checking the Project's Finish Date
  • Key Points


Lesson 11: Organizing and Formatting Project Details

  • Sorting Project Details
  • Grouping Project Details
  • Filtering Project Details
  • Customizing Tables
  • Customizing Views
  • Key Points


Lesson 12: Printing Project Information

  • Printing Your Project Plan
  • Printing Views
  • Printing Reports
  • Key Points
  • Copying and Pasting with Project
  • Opening Other File Formats in Project
  • Saving to Other File Formats from Project
  • Generating a Project Summary Report for Word, PowerPoint, or Visio
  • Generating Visual Reports with Excel and Visio
  • Key Points
  • Updating a Baseline
  • Tracking Actual and Remaining Values for Tasks and Assignments
  • Tracking Time phased Actual Work for Tasks and Assignments
  • Rescheduling Incomplete Work
  • Key Points
  • Identifying Tasks that Have Slipped
  • Examining Task Costs
  • Examining Resource Costs
  • Reporting Project Cost Variance with a Stoplight View
  • Key Points


Lesson 13: Sharing Project Information with Other Programs

Lesson 14: Tracking Progress on Tasks and Assignments

Lesson 15: Viewing and Reporting Project Status

Lesson 16: Getting Your Project Back on Track

  • Troubleshooting Time and Schedule Problems
  • Troubleshooting Cost and Resource Problems
  • Troubleshooting Scope-of-Work Problems
  • Key Points


Lesson 17: Applying Advanced Formatting

  • Formatting a Gantt Chart View
  • Formatting the Network Diagram View
  • Formatting the Calendar View
  • Key Points


Lesson 18: Measuring Performance with Earned Value Analysis

  • Viewing Earned Value Schedule Indicators
  • Viewing Earned Value Cost Indicators
  • Generating an Earned Value Visual Report
  • Key Points


Lesson 19: Customizing Project

  • Sharing Custom Views and Other Elements Between Project Plans
  • Recording Macros
  • Editing Macros
  • Customizing a Toolbar
  • Key Points


Lesson 20: Consolidating Projects and Resources

  • Creating a Resource Pool
  • Viewing Assignment Details in a Resource Pool
  • Updating Assignments in a Sharer Plan
  • Updating a Resource's Information in a Resource Pool
  • Updating All Plans' Working Times in a Resource Pool
  • Linking New Project Plans to a Resource Pool
  • Opening a Sharer Plan and Updating a Resource Pool
  • Consolidating Project Plans
  • Creating Dependencies Between Projects
  • Key Points




Who Should Attend

 Individuals who need to strengthen their project management skill sets

  • Business managers
  • Project managers
  • Program Managers
  • Delivery Managers
  • Project Analysts
  • Project Consultants
  • IT Managers


5 Days

Start Date End Date Country City

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