+966 920007772
Financial Modelling in Excel

During the course, participants will hone their advanced modelling skills and experience designing solutions to real-world examples.  Learn to efficiently build an effective and robust financial model based on real-world financial modelling challenges. Incorporate current economic uncertainties into the model in order to take calculated risks and make more informed business decisions.

In addition, you will learn how to:

  1. Streamline model building by applying best practice functions, tools and techniques
  2. Apply commonly used formulas in new and different ways
  3. Quantify uncertainty by applying various methods of scenarios and sensitivity analysis
  4. Minimize manual labor and automate common tasks by building macros into your models
  5. Learn how to expedite and enhance the decision-making process 
  6. Maximize your analytical abilities by learning conventional and new approaches of modelling 
  7. Translate business concepts into logically structured models and formats
  8. Learn to rebuild, audit and validate an inherited model


Theory and Best Practice

  • Excel Versions
    Upgrading to Excel 2016 and technical differences between versions. Considerations when building a model for users of different versions.
  • Cell Referencing & Named Ranges
    Applying absolute and relative cell referencing and understanding its importance in Financial Modelling.  Using named ranges for assumptions reference.
  • Best Practice in Financial Modelling
    Overview of the six points of financial modelling best practice
  • Strategies for Reducing Errors
    Techniques to employ during the model building process to maintain model integrity and reduce the potential for formula or logic error
  • Excel Errors
    Common errors in modelling. Correcting and suppressing errors.  Locating and dealing with circular references.

Advanced Tools and Functions

  • Lookup Functions
    Going further than a VLOOKUP.  Nesting Lookup functions with COLUMN or MATCH and using close match. 
    Quick ways to nest an INDEX and MATCH function as an alternative to LOOKUPs
  • OFFSET Function
    Staggering start dates, and manipulating cash flows with OFFSET
  • Array Formulas
    Pros and cons of using array formulas and their use in financial modelling.  Using TRANSPOSE.
  • Form Controls
    Use of form controls such as spin buttons and combo boxes

Rebuilding an Inherited Model

  • How long should a formula be?  
    Deciding when to break a complex formula in several steps to maintain transparency and allowing ease of model auditing 
  • Audit Tools
    Summary of commonly-using audit tools to take apart others’ models
  • What Makes a Good Model?
    Attributes of a good model such as user-friendly and structural features
  • What Makes Poor Model?
    Rebuilding an Inherited Model. Critique of a poorly built financial model using model audit tools and identify why it does not follow financial modelling best practice.

Advanced Techniques

  • Escalation Methods
    Comparison of different methods of indexation (or escalation or grow rate) and applying compounding inflation
  • Pivot Tables in Financial Modelling
    Pros and cons of the relevance of Pivot Tables in financial modelling
  • Macros in Financial Modelling
    Pros and cons of automating your financial model for the user with Macros
  • Waterfall Charts
    Creating a simple dynamic waterfall chart with up/down bars

Scenarios and Sensitivity Analysis

  • Overview of Scenario Analysis Methods
    Technical methods of creating scenario and sensitivity analysis in Excel
  • Data Tables
    Show multiple scenario outcomes simultaneously with one and two-dimensional Data Tables
  • Advanced Conditional Formatting
    Learn how to automatically highlight selected scenarios using complex conditional formatting
  • Using the Scenario Manager
    Brief overview of how to use the scenario manager in comparison to other scenario tools
  • Comparison of Scenario Methods

Practical Financial Modelling

Building on the tools and techniques covered, we will learn to apply advanced modelling skills to build a complex, yet robust and user-friendly financial model.

Factory Rollout Model

Working on a startup funding model from start to finish we will evaluate input assumptions, calculate revenue and costs of production to calculate cash requirements.  From this, we build a full set of financial statements with particular emphasis on linking the profit & loss statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet together.  

Who Should Attend


This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:


  • Professionals who need to develop a greater understanding of finance
  • Professionals who need to develop their advanced financial modelling skills
  • Those who make decisions using financial models or are impacted by those decisions
  • Those responsible for managing finance
  • Those responsible for estimating sales, costs, risks and economic variables



5 Days

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