+966 920007771
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems and Battery Maintenance


After completing this course, participants should be able

  • To know what is UPS, and why it is used.
  • To understand the principle of operation of the UPS 
  • To know main part of UPS system
  • To know main types of UPS
  • To select UPS system
  • To perform maintenance and testing of UPS



  1. Common Power Problems
    1. Causes
    2. Types
    3. Duration
    4. Resulting problems
  2. Introduction to UPS
    1. What is an uninterruptible power supply?
    2. Why use a UPS?
  3. Principle of Operation of UPS
    1. Uninterruptible power supply overview
    2. UPS components
    3. Basic UPS circuit
  4. UPS Technologies &  Types
    1. Offline / standby
    2. Line-interactive
    3. Double-conversion / online
    4. Hybrid topology / double conversion on demand
    5. Ferro-resonant
    6. Dc power
    7. Rotary
  5. Selection of Uninterruptible Power Supply 
    1. Selecting an UPS
    2. Static UPS system ratings and size selection
    3. Rotary UPS system ratings and size selection
    4. Measuring efficiency
    5. Warranty
  6. Installation and Testing of UPS
    1. Construction and installation of static UPS systems
    2. Construction and installation of rotary UPS systems
  7. Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems Maintenance 
    1. Maintenance for UPS systems
    2. UPS battery maintenance

Who Should Attend


  • Electric Engineer/Supervisor/Superintendent
  • Plant Maintenance Engineer/Supervisor/ Superintendent
  • Electric motor work shop engineer/ Managers
  • Instrument and Control Engineer/Supervisor / Superintendent
  • Everybody or professional who wants to broaden knowledge or gain benefit from this course


5 Days

Start Date End Date Country City

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