At the end of the course participants will :
- Learn approved ways of operating and earthing high voltage equipment to ensure safety of personnel at all times
- Understand Safe and unsafe working conditions
- Know Requirements for a responsible person or appointed operator
- Learn the documentation required for Occupational Safety and Health Acts
- Know live chamber and limited access procedures
- Know the warning notices
- Understand the minimum earthling requirements
- Know the work permit system for safety operating
- Understand the live chambers
- Know the prohibited areas
- Know issuing and keeping of keys
Day 1:
- Understand the requirements of the Electricity Supply (Safety & Network Management Plans)
- Understand the electrical and mechanical hazards that can be encountered in an HV substation and the precautions to be taken.
- Understand the procedures and the personal protective equipment used to affect a release and rescue.
- Understand the effects of electricity on a person’s body and the initial medical procedures to take prior to receiving medical assistance.
- Knowledge of the various types of fire appliances and the types of fires each is applicable for.
- Use of fire appliances for electrical fires.
- Understand the requirements needed to prepare for work on or near HV equipment.
- Understand and demonstrate the processes used to de-energize and isolate HV equipment and the precautions to be taken. Provide the knowledge and understanding of the various types of HV apparatus that may be part of the HV system.
- Demonstrate the correct techniques to be used in carrying out safe work practices in switching a HV system.
Day 2:
- Understand the various methods of proving HV apparatus is de-energised and isolated.
- Understand the processes of isolation and earthing of HV apparatus to make the apparatus safe for work.
- Demonstrate the knowledge and application of earthing to special cases such as underground cables, HV aerial bundled cables and HV insulated unscreened conductors.
Day 3:
- Understand and demonstrate how to set up a Work area for work on or near HV apparatus.
- Understand the authorisation and responsibilities of Access Permit Issuers and Access Permit Recipients.
Understand the procedures for Access Permits and Testing Access Permits and conditions of work under these Permits.
- Understand the reasons for and the conditions of Operating Agreements between Network Operators and HV Customers.
Day 4:
- Demonstrate the knowledge to recognise when an Access Permit or Testing Access Permit has been cancelled.
- Understand the requirements needed to prepare HV apparatus for energisation after work has been completed under Access Permit or Testing Access Permits conditions.
- Demonstrate the correct techniques to energise HV apparatus and understand if any special tests are required prior to placing HV apparatus on load.
- Understand the requirements to update system diagrams and the need for labelling of HV apparatus.
Day 5:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the switching process.
- Understand the possible ways electrical apparatus may become energised and the safe work practices to adopt.
- Demonstrate knowledge of good operating procedures and practices.
- Understand the use of operating aids that an Operator can use to ensure there are no switching errors.
Who Should Attend
- Electrical Engineers and Technicians
- Project Engineers
- Design Engineers
- Field Technicians
- Electricians
- Plant Operators
- Electrical Foremen
- Plant Electrical Engineers
- Electrical Supervisors
- Instrumentation and Design Engineers
- Industrial Organizations with High Voltage Electrical Distribution